What Plants Should You Never Put In Your Pond?

Aquatic Plants

When creating and maintaining a pond, it’s important to be aware of certain plants that can cause problems. Here are some plants you should generally avoid putting in your pond:

1. Invasive Species

  • Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): Although it’s a popular choice for water gardens due to its attractive flowers, it can quickly take over your pond and block sunlight, which can harm other aquatic plants and animals.
  • Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes): Similar to water hyacinth, water lettuce can spread rapidly and choke out other plants, leading to oxygen depletion in the water.

2. Aggressive Growers

  • Cattails (Typha spp.): While cattails can be attractive, they are fast-growing and can dominate the space, making it difficult for other plants to thrive.
  • Duckweed (Lemna minor): This tiny floating plant can multiply rapidly, covering the pond’s surface and blocking sunlight from reaching submerged plants.

3. Toxic Plants

  • Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea): This plant is highly toxic to both humans and animals. If any part of it enters the water, it can contaminate the pond and pose a danger to wildlife.
  • Oleander (Nerium oleander): All parts of this plant are toxic, and even small amounts can be lethal to fish and other pond inhabitants.

4. Plants Requiring High Maintenance

  • Lotus (Nelumbo spp.): While beautiful, lotus plants require a lot of space and maintenance. They can also spread aggressively if not properly managed.
  • Water Lilies (Nymphaea spp.): While not inherently bad, water lilies can overgrow if not pruned regularly, leading to similar issues as invasive species.

5. Terrestrial Plants

  • Ivy (Hedera spp.): Ivy and other terrestrial plants are not suitable for ponds as they are not adapted to aquatic environments. Their roots can rot, leading to water quality issues.
  • Mint (Mentha spp.): Mint can be invasive and difficult to control in a pond environment. It can also disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.

By avoiding these plants, you can maintain a healthy and balanced pond ecosystem. If you’re unsure about a particular plant, it’s best to research its growth habits and potential impact on your pond before introducing it.

Aquatic Plants For Sale In Phoenix

For aquatic plants purchasing give us a call today at (623) 878-6695 or stop by our store and take a look at our wide selection of pond products. We can also install, service and maintain your fish pond.