Koi Pond Maintenance Cost

Koi Pond Maintenance Cost

On average, koi pond maintenance services will cost between $450-$5,000. Below, we’ll go over all the factors that can ultimately impact the price of this service.

How Much Does Koi Pond Maintenance Cost?

As mentioned, most business or homeowners can expect to pay between $450-$5,000 for koi pond maintenance. An average of four maintenance visits per year will cost anywhere from $2,000-$3,000.

Costs will change depending on the size of the pond, location, season, and a few other factors. Here is a quick look at the typical maintenance costs:

  • Lowest Cost: $450.
  • Average Cost: $2,725.
  • Highest Cost: $5,000.

Yearly Koi Pond Maintenance Costs

Yearly maintenance costs will come in between $2,000-$3,000. You can expect the following average costs based on the season:

  • Spring Maintenance: $1,200.
  • Summer Maintenance: $500.
  • Fall Maintenance: $900.
  • Winter Maintenance: $400.

*These are cost estimates according to AmenCornerPonds. Contact the team at The Backyard Pond for complete pricing information.

Koi Pond Cost Factors

The following factors can either cause your koi pond maintenance bills to go up or down.

Pond Size

Size of the koi pond has a direct impact on how much it will cost to maintain. A larger pond will, of course, require more cleanings since there is more debris build-up and more surface area to monitor.

Additionally, larger ponds will require more filtration systems and pumps, which increases the cost of both the installation and maintenance. Larger pumps equal higher energy bills. Always consider the overall costs when choosing which size koi pond you wish to install.


Different locations come with different costs of living, labor, and more. All of these factors ultimately play a role in the costs of equipment and services.

Areas with higher costs of living tend to have higher koi pond maintenance prices. Meanwhile, areas with lower living costs tend to feature less expensive maintenance costs.


These ponds need regular cleanings throughout the year to stay in the best shape possible and keep the fish healthy. Seasonal cleanings must be factored into the overall costs of maintaining a pond.

Depending on location, this can include spring, fall, and winter cleanings. All seasons may require extra labor hours and materials designed for the specific time of year.

Additional Water Features

If you choose to install a fountain or waterfall as part of the pond design, you should factor in additional costs to your budget.

Water features add an extra layer of complexity when maintaining your pond because they need regular cleanings to function properly. Water pumps may also need to be replaced over time due to wear and tear.


There are different types of liners constructed from various materials. Not every material can handle the exact same type of cleaning, however.

This is one of the main reasons why it’s best for most koi pond owners to hire a professional maintenance service. Professional will have work warranties, as well as the experience and tools to maintain your pond the best.

Indoor Vs Outdoor Pool

An indoor vs an outdoor koi pond can play a role in the cost of the maintenance. Outdoor ponds will require extra insulation materials to keep them from freezing during the colder months.

Typically, this results in higher maintenance costs for the outdoor ponds.

Drain And Refill

Some maintenance services may call for the professionals to drain and refill your pond. The size of the pond determines how much water must be drained and refilled.

If you are using tap or filtered water for your pond, there could be some additional costs associated with obtaining that water, depending on your location. You will also need water treatments at this time, so your water is chemically balanced for the fish.

Here is a look at some average costs of draining and refilling a pond:

Square Footage  Drain Cost  Refill Cost 
80 $775-$1,000 $600-$1,000
160 $1,000-$1,500 $1,200-$1,750
300 $1,350-$1,750 $2,200-$2,550
500 $1,750-$2,225 $3,750-$4,500

Are Koi Ponds High Maintenance?

The answer to this question depends on the type of pond you install. An ecosystem koi pond, for example, requires less maintenance overall.

You will want to have a koi pond professional do seasonal maintenance at least 3 times per year for that pond type. A normal koi garden pond has more maintenance needs because it can’t filter the water on its own.

Koi Pond Maintenance Tips

Maintaining your pond is important not only for the ponds’ sake but also for the benefit of your koi fish. Below you will find a small list of some of the key factors in maintaining your koi pond.

This is not a dedicated list, there are other considerations to take in account for your pond not only to last a long time but to keep your koi fish happy, and more importantly healthy.

Here are some maintenance tips for everyone with a koi pond:

  • Perform Consistent Water Checks To Avoid Common Problems.
  • Maintain The Right Temperature.
  • Create Shade Over The Pond.
  • Avoid Over Feeding.
  • Properly Maintain All Your Koi Pond Equipment.
  • Invest In A Filtration System.
  • Keep Your Koi Population Under Control.
  • Cleaning Items Within The Pond.
  • Remove Harmful Debris.

DIY Vs Pro Koi Pond Maintenance

Maintenance needs for koi ponds include checking the mechanical parts, cleaning the filter, replacing failing parts, and more. If you do not possess the necessary DIY skills to properly care for your pond, you should call the professionals.

Contact the team at The Backyard Pond in Peoria, AZ for all your koi pond maintenance needs!

Pond Types

Phoenix Area Pond Supply

If you are looking for live fish, live plants, pond filtration, pumps, or anything else you need to start or care for your water garden or garden pond The Backyard Pond has everything you need. We serve residents of the greater Phoenix area with the best selection of Koi, plants, and all the supplies you need. Stop by or give us a call at 623-878-6695 with your questions.